
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Spring Break

Spring break is close and it doesn't matter whether you are a college student or taking a family vacation you want to be in great shape and more importantly in great health.

Having had many university students in my Bodilates and Yoga classes as well as personal training clients I know they all wanted that "beach body" before heading to the warm climates. Looking good in that bikini takes work and also eating the right foods. It's not easy to keep that look if you are constantly drinking alcohol, consuming fast food, sugar snacks and not getting enough sleep.

Whether you are 20 or 50, keeping fit and healthy isn't easy, but once you get into the routine it becomes a lifestyle and that's exactly what we as personal trainers try to instill in our clients....a healthy lifestyle.

For those of you heading on a "spring break" think about what you are putting into your body as much as you think about your workouts!! While away, drink plenty of water, enjoy the local fresh fruits and veggies and be safe!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Weight Loss and Attitude

Now that the holiday season has ended it's time to re-evaluate your life. After all, this is the first day of the rest of your life!!

Most of you have made some resolutions about your health, fitness and lifestyle. These are not only resolutions, but goals. These resolutions or goals must be reasonable and attainable. So take a minute to think about them and if you need to make some changes do it now! If you feel you can make them work go for it.

As you move forward with these goals plan some rewards which will help you keep your focus. These rewards can be in any form; new clothes, a massage, vacation or even a "new me" party!

Take a moment and think about what might prohibit you from reaching your goals. Be ready for possible problems which may interfere with your progress, but keep moving forward. Recognize it's easy to give up; but those obstacles which will pop up now and then can also be jumped over and a stronger you will emerge. DO NOT LET YOURSELF SLIDE INTO A NEGATIVE PATTERN!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Get out and Move!

Pulling up to Starbucks this morning in Mandeville, La. I was shocked. Fifteen cars were lined up in the drive-thru lane!! Fifteen! Yes, it was cold here, 24 degrees, but even so there was no rational for this; no one was in the store. I went in, ordered, and was back out and the line at the drive-thru had increased by three! Now eighteen cars were waiting. By the time I parked, went in, ordered and came back out, only one car had move through. I was in and out before the second in line had moved forward!!

You also see folks driving around a parking lot waiting to find that close space rather than park and get out and walk to the store! Sadly this has become part of the American culture. Drive-thru's, fighting for that close parking space and getting little or no exercise!

Obviously we all must think about safety in parking lots, but sitting for 15-20 minutes in a drive-thru line at Starbucks, McDonalds, Wendy's, etc. is crazy! Get out of the car and walk, get your body moving; you'll burn calories, feel better, and perhaps strike up a conversation.

It's time to think about your health; exercise is a big part of that!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Fit and Healthy Thanksgiving

Everyone associates Thanksgiving with food and family. This year make it a healthy holiday! There is no reason to over stuff yourself and then just sit and watch football or continue to snack after dinner is over. You do not have to deprive yourself of all the goodies served if you follow these simple tips.

1. Eat a healthy breakfast. Oatmeal with blueberries (fresh or frozen), almonds, Agave Syrup (if you need a sweetener), skim milk and coffee or tea.

2. Take a walk, get your body moving!

3. If dinner will be late in the day, be sure to eat a light lunch. Do not starve yourself waiting for dinner. Keep your metabolism burning.

4. Use a smaller plate at dinner. A salad plate holds less than a dinner plate and you will be less likely to overeat.

5. Do not let your foods touch on your plate. Smaller portions allow you to enjoy a bit of everything without overeating.

6. Quarter the pieces of pie and don't pile whipped cream on top!

7. Limit yourself to two glasses of wine at dinner.

8. Drink water. It will help fill you up.

9. Take another walk after dinner. Get your family members or friends moving instead of just sitting on the sofa. You can still talk, enjoy each other and the holiday while your work off that holiday dinner!!